1915 - The Columbus, Ohio Branch of the NAACP was organized on February 18, 1915.
1916 - Secured the dismissal of certain policemen for acts of oppression against colored people and has been especially successful in keeping the film, "The Birth of a Nation," out of the State of Ohio.
1918 - Investigated the occasional Jim-Crowing of passengers between that Columbus and Cincinnati. The Ohio Branches acted energetically in the attempted Student Training Corps discrimination.
1919 -The Branches in the different parts of the country report numerous cases of discrimination. Columbus, O., secured action in the case of a nurse who was refused for duty in one of the camps on account of color. Many were the complaints of discriminatory treatment of the colored soldiers in camps, on trains, in their own home towns, in hospitals and by the Red Cross.
1920 - Many cases of discrimination in restaurants, ice cream parlors, etc., were fought, complete victories being won in Columbus, Ohio, and Rockford, Ill. The Columbus, Ohio, Branch carried out a well organized campaign to combat the mean propaganda , resulting in the registration of over 97,000 citizens. The Columbus, Ohio, Branch had a streetcar conductor prosecuted and fined for assaulting a colored man.